People of DataDiggers - Raluca Iorga (Finance Associate)
Market Research – or Photographing consumers
February Issue: 💡 We finished Veganuary with yet another fantastic study! ☘️
People of DataDiggers-Alexandru Craciun (Business Development Manager EMEA)
Vegetarianism in Romania - In depth analysis 1/2
People of DataDiggers -Iuliana Isariev (Project Associate EMEA)
I have built my castle on a statistically significant foundation – why is it crumbling?
Getting to know DataDiggers - Florian Ivanica (Copywriter & Social Media Associate)
Pandemic's impact on people's lives (Deconstructed Analysis - Part 2)
People of DataDiggers - Ruchi Singh (Panel Incentives Associate)
January Issue: Starting the new year with fresh insights! ✨
Pandemic's impact on people's lives (Deconstructed Analysis - Part 1)
December Issue: Ending 2021 on a positive note! 🎵🎄
November Issue: 🌱 Wouldn't it be great if our partnership could save the world? 🌳
Getting to know DataDiggers - Ruchi Singh (Panel Incentives Associate)
Getting to know DataDiggers - Liviu Micu (Senior Researcher)
Run a study, plant a tree!
I want it all! And then, what...?
People of DataDiggers - Cristian Craciun (Sales & Business Development Director)
Traveling is our new market research tool